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Project name:RESPONSE - Responding to the challenges for international and European climate policy after Copenhagen
Project leader:Karl Steininger (Wegener Zentrum)
Project team: Birgit Bednar-Friedl (Senior PostDoc: climate policy architectures after Copenhagen, quantitative economic and global carbon emission modelling, evaluation of climate policy sceanrios)
Christian Lininger (PhD student: the role of international trade and climate policy, project management)
Thomas Schinko (PhD student: climate policy architectures after Copenhagen, quantitative economic and global carbon emission modelling, evaluation of climate policy sceanrios, project management)
Andreas Türk (scientist: climate policy architectures after Copenhagen)
Partners:Department of Philosophy (University of Graz), Lukas Meyer, Dominic Roser, Alexandra Zellentin
German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP, Berlin), Susanne Dröge
Department of Politics and International Relations (University of Oxford), Simon Caney
Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) Venice Office (Barbara K. Buchner), Barbara Buchner





The outcome of the Copenhagen Climate Conference may lead to a hybrid climate architecture characterized by more unilateral policies of the EU and other countries. Based on principles of distributive justice, we analyse the scope for policy instruments which align climate and trade objectives (e.g. border tax adjustments), and how such instruments can (and should) be implemented in different forms of hybrid climate architectures. Employing a multi-regional multi-sectoral computable general equilibrium model of the EU, its main trading partners and other world regions we then quantify the economic and carbon emission implications of institutional and policy instrument scenarios. This allows us to evaluate the options the EU has for effective and politically feasible climate policy. In addition to scientific results, policy recommendations will be developed under stakeholder involvement.


Picture Contact information
Picture: Steininger, Karl, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec.

Steininger, Karl, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec.


Phone:+43 316 380 - 8441

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