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2023     2022    2021     2020     2019     2018     2017     2016     2015     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010     2009     2008     2007     2006     2005     2004


Presentations at international conferences/workshops/seminars

Borsky, S.
Natural disasters and a sector’s export composition (oral)
presented at the EEECON research seminar, University of Innsbruck, Nov. 2019

Borsky, S.
Wirtschaft, Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit (oral)
presented at the Außenwirtschafts-Curriculum, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 2019

Borsky, S.
Natural Disasters and Firms’ Export Decision (oral)
presented at the ISER Economic Research Seminar, Osaka University, Japan, Oct. 2019

Nabernegg, S.
Climate change and the work of the Wegener Center Graz’ (invited)
presented at the Global Education Goes Local student lecture, Judenburg, Austria, Oct. 2019

Steininger, K. W.
The Carbon Budget Concept and allocation mechanisms, Transition towards a net zero carbon built environment (oral)
presented at the Workshop on carbon budgets, TU Graz, Austria, Oct. 2019

Bachner, G., and E. Boere
Tipping points: Food shocks (oral)
presented at the 2nd COACCH Stakeholder Workshop, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 2019

Borsky, S.
Natural Disasters and Firms’ Export Decision (oral)
presented at the Rokko Environmental Economics and Policy Seminar, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, Jul. 2019

Borsky, S., and C. Unterberger
Bad Weather and Flight Delays: The Impact of Sudden and Slow Onset Weather Events (oral)
presented at the Seventh IAERE Annual Conference, Udine, Italy, Jul. 2019

Borsky, S.
Natural Disasters and Firms’ Export Decision (oral)
presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, Jun. 2019

Borsky, S., and M. Jury
Supply chain shocks and countries’ exports (oral)
presented at the Regional Studies Association 2019 Annual Conference, Santiago de Compostella, Spain, Jun. 2019

Dugan, A., and T. Trimborn
The Optimal Extraction of Non-Renewable Resources under Hyperbolic Discounting (oral)
presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Manchester, UK, Jun. 2019

Hennighausen, H.
Homebuyer income in the wake of Hurricane Sandy (oral)
presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Manchester, UK, Jun. 2019

Hennighausen, H.
Weathering the shock: economic characteristics in the wake of a flood event (oral)
presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Univeristy of Manchester, UK, Jun. 2019

Knittel, N., M. Jury, B. Bednar-Friedl, G. Bachner, and A. Steiner
A global analysis of heat-related labour productivity losses under climate change - implications for Germany’s foreign trade (oral)
presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Manchester, UK, Jun. 2019

Lopez-Prol, J.
Photovoltaic self-consumption is now profitable in Spain. Effects of the new regulation on prosumers’ internal rate of return (poster)
presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Manchester, UK, Jun. 2019

Marbler, A., and B. Bednar-Friedl
The Low-Carbon Transition at the Local Level. “Greenness” is not enough (oral)
presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Manchester, UK, Jun. 2019

Marbler, A., and B. Bednar-Friedl
The Low-Carbon Transition at the Local Level. “Greenness” is not enough (oral)
presented at the Paris School of Economics Summer School 2019, Paris School of Economics, Paris, France, Jun. 2019

Mayer, J., G. Bachner, and K. W. Steininger
Assessing the economy-wide effects of the electricity sector’s low carbon transition – The role of capital costs, divergent risk perceptions and premiums (oral)
presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, Jun. 2019

Steininger, K. W., G. Bachner, B. Wolkinger, J. Mayer, and A. Tuerk
Risk Assessment of the low-carbon transition auf Austria’s steel and electricity sectors (oral)
presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, Jun. 2019

Borsky, S., and M. Jury
Supply chain shocks and countries’ exports
presented at the COACCH 3nd Project Workshop, Charles University, Prague, May 2019

Knittel, N., M. Jury, B. Bednar-Friedl, and A. Steiner
A global analysis of heat-related labour productivity losses under climate change - implications for Germany’s foreign trade (oral)
presented at the 4th European Climate Change Adaptation conference, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2019

Nabernegg, S.
Addressing Emission Reductions, Inequalities and Responsibilities to Act on Climate: A Modelling Analysis for Austrian Households (oral)
presented at the International Symposium on Global Sustainable Development Goals in a Mediatized World, Vienna, Austria, May 2019

Nabernegg, S.
Emission distribution and incidence of climate policies:  An analysis for Austrian (and  Swiss) households (oral)
presented at the CER-ETH internal research seminar, ETH Zurich, May 2019

Bachner, G., J. Mayer, and K. W. Steininger
Costs or benefits? Assessing the economy-wide effects of the electricity sector’s low carbon transition – The role of capital costs, divergent risk perceptions and premiums: the role of integration costs (oral)
presented at the 20. Österreichischer Klimatag, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2019

Bachner, G., B. Wolkinger, J. Mayer, A. Tuerk, and K. W. Steininger
Risk assessment of the low-carbon transition of Austria’s steel and electricity sectors (poster)
presented at the 20. Österreichische Klimatag, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2019

Borsky, S.
Natural Disasters and Firms’ Export Decision (oral)
presented at the NOeG Annual Meeting 2019, Graz, Austria, Apr. 2019

Dugan, A., and T. Trimborn
The Optimal Extraction of Non-Renewable Resources under Hyperbolic Discounting (oral)
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2019, Graz, Austria, Apr. 2019

Heß, V., and J. Aerts
Agenten-basierte Modellierung der Entscheidung zur Umsiedlung aufgrund von Hochwasserrisiken (oral)
presented at the 20.Klimatag, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2019

Knittel, N., M. Jury, B. Bednar-Friedl, and A. Steiner
A global analysis of heat-related labour productivity losses under climate change - implications for Germany’s foreign trade (oral)
presented at the 20. Österreichischen Klimatag 2019, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2019

Nabernegg, S.
Costs and Risks of Climate Change: An economic assessment of impacts in Austria (invited)
presented at the ERASMUS Teachers Conference 2019, Judenburg, Austria, Apr. 2019

Williges, K.
Assessing the effect of unburnable carbon estimates on alternative energy firm stock returns (oral)
presented at the NOeG Annual Meeting 2019, Graz, Austria, Apr. 2019

Marbler, A., and B. Bednar-Friedl
The Low-Carbon Transition at the Local Level. “Greenness” is not enough (oral)
presented at the NOeG Annual Meeting 2019, Graz, Austria, Apr. 2019

Mori Clement, Y., S. Nabernegg, and B. Bednar-Friedl
Can preferential trade agreements enhance renewable electricity generation in emerging economies? A model-based policy analysis for Brazil and the European Union (oral)
presented at the NOeG Annual Meeting 2019, Graz, Austria, Apr. 2019

Heß, V., F. Ortner, and S. Lutzmann
Flash Flood Scenarios for Alpine Valleys: Consequences for Adaptation (oral)
presented at the Climate Change and Natural Hazards: coping with and managing hazards in the context of a changing climate, Padova, Italy, Feb. 2019


Selected further presentations

Steininger, K.
Klimawandel/Klimakrise als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung und Chance (oral)
presented at the Energie Graz, Interne Mitarbeiterfortbildung, Graz, Austria, Dec. 2019

Knittel, N., and B. Wolkinger
Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen – von Mythen und Fakten (oral)
presented at the Freies Wahlfach „Politische Bildung“, Gleisdorf, Austria, Nov. 2019

Steininger, K. W.
Gelungene & innovative Klimastrategien für Sektoren, die von der Dekarbonisierung (stark) betroffen sind (keynote)
presented at the Keynote am Austausch zu Umwelt, Klima & Verkehr, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 2019

Steininger, K.
Europas Antwort auf die Klimakrise? (oral)
presented at the 54. Feldbacher Europagespräche, Feldbach, Austria, Nov. 2019

Steininger, K.
Klimaschutz und Landwirtschaft (oral)
presented at the , Impuls an den Ausschuss Natur, Umwelt und Energie der Landwirtschaftskammer Steiermark, Graz, Austria, Nov. 2019

Steininger, K. W.
Ist die Globalisierte Welt noch zu retten? (keynote)
presented at the 29th Vienna Roundtable der Österreichischen Kontrollbank, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 2019

Steininger, K. W.
Climate change - how to deal with the risks (keynote)
presented at the 29th Vienna Roundtable der Österreichischen Kontrollbank, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 2019

Steininger, K.
Welche Mobilität wollen/können wir uns leisten? (keynote)
presented at the Nahverkehrsgongress der Interessensgemeinschaft der Verkehrsverbünde Österreichs, Wiener Neustadt, Austria, Nov. 2019

Steininger, K.
Wie handeln in der Klimakrise? (oral)
presented at the Impulsvortrag am Infoabend der Gemeinde, Hennersdorf, Austria, Oct. 2019

Steininger, K.
Eberbacher Klostergespräche zu ökonomischen Grundsatzfragen der Transformation des Energiesystems, Ökonomische Auswirkungen der Sektorenkopplung (invited)
presented at the 12. Eberbacher Klostergespräche, Eberbach, Germany, Oct. 2019

Steininger, K.
Wieviel Fieber hat die Erde und wie stoppen wir es? (oral)
presented at the Vortrag zur Eröffnung der Universitätsbibliothek der Uni Graz, Graz, Austria, Sep. 2019

Steininger, K.
Ref-NEKP: Referenzplan als Grundlage für einen wissenschaftlich fundierten und mit den Pariser Klimazielen in Einklang stehenden Nationalen Energie- und Klimaplan für Österreich (oral)
presented at the Umweltmanagement Austria, Vienna, Austria, Sep. 2019

Steininger, K.
Das Treibhausgas-Budget der Stadt Graz: Bilanz der THG-Emissionen als Basis für sowohl Mitigationspfade als auch die Zurechnung des Aufbrauchs des Carbon Budgets (oral)
presented at the Umweltausschuss des Gemeinderats, Umweltamt der Stadt Graz, Graz, Austria, Aug. 2019

Steininger, K.
Klimawandel: Krise oder Wirtschaftschance? (keynote)
presented at the FH Kapfenberg, Kapfenberg, Austria, Aug. 2019

Steininger, K.
Klimaökonomik: Klimaschäden, Klimaschutz, Kosten und Nutzen (oral)
presented at the Weiterbildungsveranstaltung für den Vorstand der VBV, Graz, Austria, Jul. 2019

Steininger, K.
Wie schmeckt Klimaschutz? (oral)
Welthaus Graz, Jun. 2019

Steininger, K.
Die neue EU Klimastrategie und ihre Bedeutung für Österreich (oral)
IHS Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2019

Steininger, K.
Ressourcenmanagement, Klima- und Umweltschutz für die Steiermark, Auf lange Sicht – Steiermark 2030+ (oral)
Schloß Pichlarn, Austria, Mar. 2019

Steininger, K.
Was kostet uns der Klimawandel? – Eine monetäre Bewertung, auch für die Landwirtschaft (oral)
presented at the Kammervollversammlung, Graz, Austria, Mar. 2019

Steininger, K.
Folgen des Klimawandels und Chancen nachhaltiger Umweltpolitik in Österreich (oral)
presented at the Green Up Umweltmesse, Gleisdorf, Austria, Mar. 2019

Steininger, K.
Teure Wetterkapriolen? – Eine monetäre Bewertung der Klimawandelfolgen (oral)
Landwirtschaftskammer Österreich Ausschuss für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Feb. 2019

Steininger, K.
Klimakrise als Chance für Transformation (oral)
presented at the Rotarier, Graz, Austria, Feb. 2019

Research Group Leaders

Univ. -Prof. Dr.

Karl W. Steininger

Phone:+43 316 380 - 8441
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9830

Assoz. Prof. Dr.

Birgit Bednar-Friedl

Phone:+43 316 380 - 7107

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