SoCo publications
Peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, books
Brimicombe, C., F. Conway, A. Portela, D. Lakhoo, N. Roos, C. Gao, I. Solarin, and D. Jackson
A scoping review on heat indices used to measure the effects of heat on maternal and perinatal health
bmjph, 2, 2024
Brimicombe, C., C. Gao, and I. M. Otto
Vulnerable to heat stress: gaps in international standard metric thresholds
Int J Biometeorol, 2024
Brimicombe, C., J. D. Runkle, C. Tuholske, D. I. V. Domeisen, C. Gao, J. Toftum, and I. M. Otto
Preventing heat-related deaths: The urgent need for a global early warning system for heat
PLOS Climate, 3, e0000437, 2024
Selected further publications and reports
Peer-reviewed Publications, Book Chapters, Books
Antje, K., P. Przemysław, B. Mariusz, and O. M. Ilona
Calling energy inequalities into the transition agenda
Energy Research & Social Science, 101, 103144, 2023
Brimicombe, C., A. Sachs Dos Santos, I. Solarin, G. Maimela, M. Cherish, K. Wieser, and I. M. Otto
The impact of extreme heat during pregnancy and childbirth in Johannesburg, South Africa
Everall, J. P., J. F. Donges, and I. M. Otto
The Pareto effect in tipping social networks: from minority to majority
Everall, J. P., and I. M. Otto
in Dictionary of Ecological Economics, ISBN 9781788974912 9781788974905, B. M. Haddad and B. D. Solomon, Eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, 16–16, 2023
Everall, J. P., and I. M. Otto
Human agency
in Dictionary of Ecological Economics, ISBN 9781788974912 9781788974905, B. M. Haddad and B. D. Solomon, Eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, 274–275, 2023
Everall, J. P., and I. M. Otto
Integrated assessment model
in Dictionary of Ecological Economics, ISBN 9781788974912 9781788974905, B. M. Haddad and B. D. Solomon, Eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, 298–299, 2023
Everall, J. P., I. M. Otto, and J. M. Harris
Tipping point
in Dictionary of Ecological Economics, ISBN 9781788974912 9781788974905, B. M. Haddad and B. D. Solomon, Eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, 547–548, 2023
Gupta, J., D. Liverman, K. Prodani, P. Aldunce, X. Bai, W. Broadgate, D. Ciobanu, L. Gifford, C. Gordon, M. Hurlbert, C. Y. A. Inoue, L. Jacobson, N. Kanie, S. J. Lade, T. M. Lenton, D. Obura, C. Okereke, I. M. Otto, L. Pereira, J. Rockström, J. Scholtens, J. Rocha, B. Stewart-Koster, J. David Tàbara, C. Rammelt, and P. H. Verburg
Earth system justice needed to identify and live within Earth system boundaries
Nat Sustain, 6, 630–638, 2023
Gupta, J., K. Prodani, X. Bai, L. Gifford, T. M. Lenton, I. Otto, L. Pereira, C. Rammelt, J. Scholtens, and J. D. Tàbara
Earth system boundaries and Earth system justice: sharing the ecospace
Environmental Politics, 1–21, 2023
Klitkou Antje, Pluciński Przemysław, Baranowski Mariusz, and I. M. Otto
Calling energy inequalities into the transition agenda
Energy Research & Social Science, 101, 103144, 2023
Pfeifer, L., and I. M. Otto
Changing seasonal temperature offers a window of opportunity for stricter climate policy
Environmental Science & Policy, 140, 35–45, 2023
Rammelt, C. F., J. Gupta, D. Liverman, J. Scholtens, D. Ciobanu, J. F. Abrams, X. Bai, L. Gifford, C. Gordon, M. Hurlbert, C. Y. A. Inoue, L. Jacobson, S. J. Lade, T. M. Lenton, D. I. A. McKay, N. Nakicenovic, C. Okereke, I. M. Otto, L. M. Pereira, K. Prodani, J. Rockström, B. Stewart-Koster, Peter H. Verburg, and C. Zimm
Impacts of meeting minimum access on critical earth systems amidst the Great Inequality
Nat Sustain, 6, 212–221, 2023
Schuster, A., M. Lindner, and I. M. Otto
Whose house is on fire? Identifying socio-demographic and housing characteristics driving differences in the UK household CO2 emissions
Ecological Economics, 207, 107764, 2023
Schuster, A., and I. M. Otto
Understanding Socio-metabolic Inequalities Using Consumption Data from Germany
Capitalism Nature Socialism, 34, 97–118, 2023
Schuster, A., M. Zoll, I. M. Otto, and F. Stölzel
The unjust just transition? Exploring different dimensions of justice in the lignite regions of Lusatia, Eastern Greater Poland, and Gorj
Energy Research & Social Science, 104, 103227, 2023
Swiers, J., C. R. Brimicombe, K. Wieser, and I. M. Otto
Wie beeinflusst der Klimawandel unsere Gesellschaft und damit unsere Gesundheit?
Z Pneumologie, 2023
Turner, G. A., F. de’Donato, A. D. Hoeben, Z. Nordeng, S. Coleman, I. M. Otto, S. Hajat, and S. Kovats
Implementation of climate adaptation in the public health sector in Europe: qualitative thematic analysis
European Journal of Public Health, ckad218, 2023
Turner, G., F. de’Donato, A. Hoeben, Z. Nordeng, I. Otto, M. Stackpole Dahl, K. Aunan, and S. Kovats
Climate change and public health: barriers and levers for implementation of climate adaptation in Europe
European Journal of Public Health, 33, ckad160.367, 2023
Utkina, K., I. M. Otto, and G. Churkina
Rebuild better for a sustainable future
PLOS Clim, 2, e0000165, 2023
Selected further publications and reports
Otto, I. M.
Decent living standards
in Energy Transition for a sustainable society, Wilfried Winiwarter&Viktor J. Bruckman, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 17–18, 2023
Otto, I. M.
Planetary Health
GREENLINES, 25, 1–4, 2024
Frei, L., J. Everall, and A. K. Ringsmuth
Guided rewiring of social networks reduces polarization and accelerates collective action. arXiv, Sep. 2023
Reyer, C. P. O., H. Saes, A. Bruhn, D. Stuparu, B. van den Hurk, K. de Bruin, C. West, R. Ebrey, C. Mauricio-Planas, C. Thévignot, S. Dessai, M. Baldissera Pacchetti, S. Fronzek, T. Carter, H. Knaepen, F. Tondel, T. Shepherd, C. Aylett, O. Grafham, P. Magnuszewski, K. Harris, S. Hochrainer-Stigler, I. M. Otto, F. Bosello, J. Mysiak, J. Sillmann, E. Ercin, and I. Monasterolo (Eds)
Cross-border climate change impacts and systemic risks in Europe and beyond: Book of abstracts
PIK Potsdam, Potsdam, 2023
Peer-reviewed Publications, Book Chapters, Books
Brimicombe, C., and I. M. Otto
Heat Health in Africa: Increased Exposure and Risk for Vulnerable Groups
in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, GH52A-06, Chicago, 2022
de’Donato, F., S. Kovats, I. M. Otto, G. Turner, A. Hoeben, S. Hajat, and K. Aunan
Climate and health adaptation: evidence needs for policy (Stakeholder mapping in Europe)
European Journal of Public Health, 31, ckab164.115, 2021
Gupta, J., D. Liverman, K. Prodani, P. Aldunce, X. Bai, W. Broadgate, D. Ciobanu, L. Gifford, C. Gordon, M. Hurlbert, C. Y. A. Inoue, L. Jacobson, N. Kanie, S. J. Lade, T. M. Lenton, D. Obura, C. Okereke, I. M. Otto, L. M. Pereira, J. Rockström, J. Scholtens, J. Rocha, B. Stewart-Koster, J. D. Tàbara, C. F. Rammelt, and P. H. Verburg
Conceptualizing Earth system justice
SocArXiv, preprint, 2022
Heinz, S., I. M. Otto, R. Tan, Y. Jin, and T. W. Glebe
Cooperation Enhances Adaptation to Environmental Uncertainty: Evidence from Irrigation Behavioral Experiments in South China
Water, 14, 1098, 2022
Hoeben, A. D., I. M. Otto, and M. F. Chersich
Integrating public health in European climate change adaptation policy and planning
Climate Policy, 1–14, 2022
Rammelt, C. F., J. Gupta, D. Liverman, J. Scholtens, D. Ciobanu, J. F. Abrams, X. Bai, L. Gifford, C. Gordon, M. Hurlbert, C. Y. A. Inoue, L. Jacobson, S. J. Lade, T. M. Lenton, D. I. A. McKay, N. Nakicenovic, C. Okereke, I. M. Otto, L. M. Pereira, K. Prodani, J. Rockström, B. Stewart-Koster, P. H. Verburg, and C. Zimm
Impacts of meeting minimum access on critical earth systems amidst the Great Inequality
Nat Sustain, n.a., 1–10, 2022
Ringsmuth, A. K., I. M. Otto, B. van den Hurk, G. Lahn, C. P. O. Reyer, T. R. Carter, P. Magnuszewski, I. Monasterolo, J. C. J. H. Aerts, M. Benzie, E. Campiglio, S. Fronzek, F. Gaupp, L. Jarzabek, R. J. T. Klein, H. Knaepen, R. Mechler, J. Mysiak, J. Sillmann, D. Stuparu, and C. West
Lessons from COVID-19 for managing transboundary climate risks and building resilience
Climate Risk Management, 35, 100395, 2022
Schuster, A., and I. M. Otto
Understanding Socio-metabolic Inequalities Using Consumption Data from Germany
Capitalism Nature Socialism, n.a., 1–22, 2022
Wiest, F., M. G. Gamarra Scavone, M. T. Newell, I. M. Otto, and A. K. Ringsmuth
Scaling Up Ecovillagers’ Lifestyles Can Help to Decarbonise Europe
sustainability, 14, 13611, 2022
Selected further publications and reports
Committee on Operationalizing Sustainable Development;, including I. m. O.
Operationalizing Sustainable Development to Benefit People and the Planet
National Academies of Sciences, ISBN 9780309691659, 2022
Ghosh, R. K., I. M. Otto, and J. Rommel
Editorial: Food Security, Agricultural Productivity, and the Environment: Economic, Sustainability, and Policy Perspectives
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 2022
Otto, I. M.
Social Tipping Points: Was braucht es, um gesellschaftliche Änderungsprozesse zu erreichen?
in Jetzt oder nie: Nachhaltigkeit im Gesundheitswesen, Jürgen Graalmann, Eckart von Hirschhausen, Kerstin Blum (Hrsg.), ISBN 978-3-95466-757-4, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin, 129–137, 2022
Peer-reviewed Publications, Book Chapters, Books
Andersson, D., S. Bratsberg, A. K. Ringsmuth, and A. S. de Wijn
Dynamics of collective action to conserve a large common-pool resource
Sci Rep, 11, 9208, 2021
Censkowsky, P., and I. M. Otto
Understanding Regime Shifts in Social-Ecological Systems Using Data on Direct Ecosystem Service Use
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 274, 2021
Gupta, J., D. Liverman, X. Bai, C. Gordon, M. Hurlbert, C. Y. A. Inoue, L. Jacobson, N. Kanie, T. M. Lenton, D. Obura, I. M. Otto, C. Okereke, L. Pereira, K. Prodani, C. Rammelt, J. Scholtens, J. D. Tàbara, P. H. Verburg, L. Gifford, and D. Ciobanu
Reconciling safe planetary targets and planetary justice: Why should social scientists engage with planetary targets?
Earth System Governance, 10, 100122, 2021
Ueckerdt, F., C. Bauer, A. Dirnaichner, J. Everall, R. Sacchi, and G. Luderer
Potential and risks of hydrogen-based e-fuels in climate change mitigation
Nat. Clim. Chang., 11, 384–393, 2021
Selected further publications
Schuster, A., and I. M. Otto
Socio-metabolic class conflicts in the Anthropocene: Developing a novel class theory based on German population data
in EGU General Assembly 2021, 1, Göttingen, 2020
Stuparu, D., B. van den Hurk, C. Reyer, I. M. Otto, T. Shepherd, R. Mechler, S. Hochrainer-Stigler, T. Falkendal, J. Sillmann, J. Mysiak, I. Monasterolo, S. Dessai, and K. Witpas
CASCADES/RECEIPT: Covid-19 lessons to rethink how we prepare for the climate change crisis
in Climate action in the post-COVID world: insights from EU funded projects on how to build forward better., ISBN 978-92-76-40952-6, European Commission, LU, 22–26, 2021