Reliable forecasting of extreme weather: new study supports improvement of climate models
Modul mit Mehrwert: Dein Studium + ein Mastermodul = Masterstudium Plus
AnsprechBAR für Klimafragen
New climate records
Klimaziele und Treibhausgasbudget
Extreme weather: Researchers at University of Graz study causes of heavy rain
Hunga eruption changes the atmosphere: researchers show effects
Extreme heat affects child mortality in Africa
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Greenhouse gas emissions decline in Austria: researchers reveal causes
Good news: greenhouse gas emissions in Austria fell by 6.4 percent in 2023, as announced by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action and the…
Wissens-Export nach Südostasien: Know-how zum Klimawandel für Thailand und Vietnam
„Giftiger Smog in Bangkok“ – Die gesundheitsgefährdende Luftverschmutzung in der thailändischen Hauptstadt sorgte zuletzt im Februar für Schlagzeilen.…
Economic impact: Federal Economic Chamber honors four students from the University of Graz
The Styrian Economic Chamber supports 22 business-related Master's theses, four of them at the University of Graz.
Climate change and biodiversity: Gesäuse National Park becomes an open-air laboratory
The University of Graz and the Gesäuse National Park enter into a co-operation and create a unique open-air laboratory. Water sources, forests and…
Unternehmerische Verantwortung statt Greenwashing
Ist in ihrem Unternehmen schon alles bereit für den Übergang zu einem nachhaltigen Wirtschaftssystem? Ein neuer Universitätskurs in Zusammenarbeit mit…
Heatwaves: University of Graz presents Plan for seamless early warning system
An international research team led by the University of Graz is investigating the challenges of a global early warning system for heat. The…
Dynamic Decarbonization Pathways Framework
DeCO2 kick-off meeting in Brussels
Better understanding of weather extremes: Uni Graz supports ESA mission EarthCARE
How do greenhouse gases, clouds and aerosols influence vertical radiation in the Earth's atmosphere? What role does this play in global warming and…