
Economic impact: Federal Economic Chamber honors four students from the University of Graz

The Styrian Economic Chamber supports 22 business-related Master's theses, four of them at the University of Graz.

Climate change and biodiversity: Gesäuse National Park becomes an open-air laboratory

The University of Graz and the Gesäuse National Park enter into a co-operation and create a unique open-air laboratory. Water sources, forests and insects provide important data. Researchers analyse this data and gain valuable insights for the future under new climatic conditions.

Unternehmerische Verantwortung statt Greenwashing

Ist in ihrem Unternehmen schon alles bereit für den Übergang zu einem nachhaltigen Wirtschaftssystem? Ein neuer Universitätskurs in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wegener Center für Klima und Globalen Wandel vermittelt in nur einem Semester notwendiges Know-how, um Unternehmen und Organisationen auf neue Herausforderungen in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung vorzubereiten und zu einem erfolgreichen Klimaschutz-Management zu befähigen.

Heatwaves: University of Graz presents Plan for seamless early warning system

An international research team led by the University of Graz is investigating the challenges of a global early warning system for heat. The researchers want to better protect vulnerable groups (such as the elderly and children) and prepare them for risks in key sectors such as agriculture and health at an early stage.

Dynamic Decarbonization Pathways Framework

DeCO2 kick-off meeting in Brussels

Apply now: PhD position in Mesoscale convective systems under Climate Change over the Alps

3 years, starting date October 2024

Better understanding of weather extremes: Uni Graz supports ESA mission EarthCARE

How do greenhouse gases, clouds and aerosols influence vertical radiation in the Earth's atmosphere? What role does this play in global warming and the occurrence of extreme weather events? ESA's EarthCARE mission will provide data to answer these questions. The new satellite was launched on 29 May 2024 as a joint venture of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA). The mission is being supported by the WegenerNet 3D climate research laboratory at the University of Graz.

Climate protection needs broad acceptance

What do we have to do today to live in a climate-friendly future tomorrow? In January 2022, 100 citizens from all parts of the population came together in the Austrian Climate Council to answer this question. Six months later, they presented their 93 recommendations to the federal government. "Even if many of them have not yet been taken up, the Climate Council was an enormously important project that continues to have an impact," says Birgit Bednar-Friedl, environmental economist at the University of Graz. Together with Georg Kaser from the University of Innsbruck, she chaired the scientific committee that accompanied the citizens on the Climate Council.