A rapid global transformation is needed to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement goals and limit global warming to well below 2°C. This corresponds to reducing global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by at least 7% per year and reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. These goals imply radical changes in the way human societies produce and use energy, and also require massive changes to, and reorganization of, economic sectors and social institutions.
Research field of SoCo
The aim of this research group is to identify interventions that can lead to global decarbonization within the next 30 years.cy.
The interventions operate on different time and governance scales and for example can be related to the rate of adoption of renewable energy production technologies, low-carbon infrastructure development, changes in policies such as subsidy and taxation schemes, as well as social norm and life-style changes. We focus on interventions that are compatible with Sustainable Development Goals and analyse decarbonization pathways in different world regions together with their redistributive impacts.
Research topics
Human activity in the Anthropocene
We strive to understand which actors and actor constellations have the agency to implement the crucial interventions that are needed to reach a rapid decline in global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. We analyze structural changes that are needed to increase the agency of crucial actors and social groups.
Social tipping dynamics
We analyze nonlinear mechanisms that are needed to spark rapid social change processes and disruptive system changes. In the decarbonization context, social tipping elements refer to subdomains of the planetary socioeconomic system where the required disruptive change may take place and lead to a sufficiently fast reduction in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. We develop research methods, data gathering techniques, and new approaches in data analysis that can help us understand these dynamics. This understanding leads us to new solution approaches to focus on successful pathways for a low carbon future.
Environmental inequalities
The climate crisis cannot be solved without addressing global inequalities. Many data sources show that top emitters with carbon-intensive lifestyles are responsible for a disproportionately large proportion of global life-style emissions. Carbon intensive lifestyles of top emitters are driving aspirations of other social groups. We analyze socio-metabolic profiles of different social groups and study policies and institutional changes that support low carbon life-styles.
Modelling human-environment system interactions
We develop new modelling approaches that help us understand the above dynamics, intervention opportunities, and their short- and long-term impacts. We are particularly interested in multiscale modelling that links `micro’ dynamics at the individual level to `macro’ dynamics at the global level via the spectrum of intervening mesoscopic levels. We aim to share the learnings from our models with the general public and policymakers, such that they might help to guide more sustainable behaviour from the individual to the global level.
Projects of the Social Complexity and System Transformation research group
The project centres on pregnant and postpartum women, infants, and health workers, groups heavily affected by climate change.
We quantify and monitor direct and indirect health impacts of extreme heat; test a personalised Early Warning System (EWS); and implement integrated adaptation-mitigation actions in health facilities. Analyses of heat impacts and data science predictive modelling using data from Sweden; Lazio Italy, and health facilities in Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa underpin all activities. These analyses and systematic reviews inform testing and selection of global, EU and national indicators.
The aim of AAR2 is to assess the state of knowledge on climate change in Austria and its consequences, as well as to identify mitigation potentials and strategies, adaptation options and transformation pathways. Gaps in knowledge are to be closed in the sense of a climate-neutral society.
SoCo has the lead for Chapter 5: Navigating Demand-side Transformations towards Net-zero
| e-mail: Phone:+43 316 380 - 8464 Web: https://homepage.uni-graz.at/de/ilona.otto/ |
| e-mail: Phone:+43 316 380 - 8352 Web: https://andrewringsmuth.com/ |
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| e-mail: |
| e-mail: Phone:+43 316 380 - 8351 |
Kehkashan Mansoor | e-mail: |
Viktor Valentin Marschall | |
| e-mail: Phone:+43 316 380 - 7513 |
| e-mail: Phone:+43 316 380 - 8471 |
Johanna Pfeifer | e-mail: Phone:+43 316 380 - 8428 |
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| e-mail: Phone:+43 316 380 - 7510 |