From geodata to climate facts: new insights on climate change physics and for climate change mitigation

Wegener Center Common Space
11:00 - 12:00
Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change
[0056010002] Seminarraum SR 56.11, Brandhofgasse 5, 1.Obergeschoß

Talk by Gottfried Kirchengast

This quite-adhoc-scheduled presentation, suggested by a couple of WEGC colleagues, is based on exactly the slides that I just very recently used on 4th July in this opening keynote. I will target the content more to our Wegener Center|Climate Change Graz audience though, i.e., less to GIScience, in case you read through the abstract in that GI_Salzburg23 program. Furthermore, WEGC colleagues got me some specific questions – like on this recent Jim Hansen et al. paper in review – and I'll address these as well.

Moderation: Moritz Pichler