EAERE Summer School

Transnational and Cascading Climate Risks and Adaptation

02.07.2023 - 08.07.2023
Anmeldung bis 10.05.2023, 23:59

The impacts of climate change materialize at the local level, yet physical connections e.g. via water sheds or international trade or migration trigger the transmission of climate change impacts across borders. Due to the high complexity of global supply chains, these transnational climate risks affect not only climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture, but also industrial and service sectors that are usually not at the center of climate change impact assessments. The IPCC and several national and international agencies have therefore identified transnational climate risks to be potentially very damaging, particularly for highly trade exposed countries. However, the economic literature on this issue is still emerging. The summer school therefore reviews different economic modeling approaches capable of assessing transnational and cascading climate risks. Lectures will cover different approaches to assess economic impacts and adaptation in various impact fields, such as flooding, heat, drought and migration etc. Additional topics are the modeling of response strategies, including international adaptation finance. Students will deepen their knowledge of their own core methodological experience, get a better understanding of complementary methods, and gain insights into novel modeling tools from related fields such as political science.

>> more information
>> EAERE – European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Scientific Coordinator: Francesco Bosello, CMCC
Local lead organizer: Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Uni Graz


  • Francesco Bosello (Scientific Coordinator)
    Associate professor of economics at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice & senior scientist at the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC)
  • Cristina Cattaneo
    Head of the research area on Human Migration, RFF-CMCC European Institute of the Environment (EIEE)
  • Rob Dellink
    OECD Environment Directorate, Environment and Economy Integration Division
  • Anil Markandya
    Distinguished Ikerbasque Professor at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) & Honorary Professor of Economics, University of Bath
  • Magnus Benzie (tbc)
    Stockholm Environmental Institute Oxford


Timeline 2023

  • March 31: application deadline
  • May 10: registration deadline
  • June 9: deadline for submission of papers
  • June 16: programme published
  • July 2 – 8: Summer School

The organizers gratefully acknowledge support from the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.
The Summer School is organized in cooperation with the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG).