Meteorological data visualisation – things I wished someone told me at the Uni
Data visualisation is something we all have to do daily, whether our job is climate science, weather forecast or modelling, or researching the impact of weather and climate to different aspects of life. However, we are not taught technical nor non-technical aspects of good data visualisation at school nor at university. Similar to many of you, I am also self taught in the area of data visualisation. I have spent a lot of time doing visualisations of satellite and weather model output data for operational forecasters as well as for a few research projects.
In this 45 minutes talk, I'll give an overview of good visualisation practices, talk about some challenges we all face when preparing the data visualisation and give a few pointers for useful tools for data visualisation.
– Milana Vučković, European Center For Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)