Climate, weather, and socioeconomic impacts: response-functions, attribution, and projections

Wegener Center Common Space
11:00 - 12:00
Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change
[0056010002] Seminarraum SR 56.11, Brandhofgasse 5, 1.Obergeschoß

There is increasing evidence that climate change is already affecting society in multiple and complex ways. Both climate and weather shocks have been linked to negative socioeconomic impacts. Despite these linkages being identified, there is insufficient understanding of the pathways among climate, weather, and these socioeconomic outcomes. This seminar will provide updated evidence using datasets at multiple spatial scales on food insecurity, child health, and the labour force with an emphasis on distributional implications.
At the same time, impact attribution historical effects of climate change have not been attempted. The consequences of these effects are likely to be far reaching. As such, accurately attributing the impacts of climate change has important implications across the board such as providing a starting point for the estimation of loss and damage that has already occurred, which is increasingly used as evidence in the field of climate litigation; and providing more evidence of the costs of not mitigating and the global benefits of investing in mitigation activities.

Talk by Shouro Dasgupta
Moderation: Chloe Brimicombe