Aktuell: Grazer Wegener Center sieht 1,62 Grad Erderwärmung 2024
Nachdem der EU-Klimawandeldienst Copernicus am Montag das Jahr 2024 als das wohl wärmste Jahr der Geschichte bezeichnet hat, kann das Grazer Forschungsteam des Wegener Centers der Uni Graz eine noch genauere Prognose liefern: "Die globale bodennahe Lufttemperatur wird 2024 um 1,62 Grad Celsius – plus/minus 0,05 Grad Schwankungsbreite - im Vergleich zum vorindustriellen Niveau ansteigen", hieß es in einer Aussendung. Ein neues Berechnungsverfahren mache es möglich.
Die Vorhersagen und weitere Daten können im Portal "Graz Climate Change Indicators (GCCI)" eingesehen werden. Basis dieses "ClimateTracers" sind die besten weltweiten Messungen sowie die Datenquellen aus unserer Forschung.
Knowledge transfer and public relations
We are actively involved as facilitators and experts in the field of climate and global change, primarily for decision-makers in politics, business and society, but also for the media and the general public.
Scientific reports, dissertations and theses
Knowledge transfer for politics, media and all interested parties
The Wegener Center Verlag (WCV) edits and publishes scientific reports, dissertations and theses as well as research results produced at the Wegener Center or in cooperation with it. A selection process by the research group leaders ensures that only quality-authored reports are published. WCV publications are cataloged according to ISBN/ISSN or DOI standards and are available for download online*.
Austrian Assessment Report on Climate Change 2014
The researchers made their expertise available free of charge under the umbrella of the Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC). The results provide answers to economic and political questions and form the basis for the Austrian strategy for adapting to climate change.
Europe's first national status report was produced with significant involvement from the University of Graz.
* Extracts of individual images, tables or parts of text may be used for non-commercial purposes, provided that the publication is clearly and correctly cited as the source.