zum Thema: Non-economic loss and damage in the context of climate change – understanding the challenges
Zeit: Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2016, 12:00 Uhr (s.t.)
Ort: SR des Wegener Center im 1. Stock, Brandhofgasse 5
Moderation: Assoz. Prof. Birgit Bednar-Friedl
Herzlich willkommen!
Non-economic loss and damage associated with climate change (NELD) has emerged as a concept under the climate negotiations. It refers to the unavoided losses of items that are not traded in the market. Examples include human lives, health, cultural identity and biodiversity. NELD pose various challenges to both research and policy-making, some of which I outline in my presentation.
Olivia is a research analyst at Climate Analytics gGmbH, where she supports negotiators from Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States on loss and damage and mitigation. She is also an independent consultant at the Deusches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik/German Development Institute, where she organised the first expert workshop on non-economic losses in summer 2015. Prior to joining Climate Analytics Olivia worked as research analyst to the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Olivia holds an MA in Philosophy from the Freie Universität Berlin.