zum Thema: Studies of tropical temperature variability using GPS data
Zeit: Mittwoch, 27. April 2015, 12:00 Uhr (s.t.)
Ort: SR des Wegener Center im 1. Stock, Brandhofgasse 5
Moderation: Priv. Doz. Andrea Steiner
Herzlich willkommen!
The high vertical resolution and dense coverage of GPS data provide novel information on thermal structure and variability in the tropics, where short vertical scale features are common. This talk will highlight some recent work using GPS data to evaluate large- and small-scale temperature fluctuations in the tropics, and quantify links to large-scale circulation, extreme convection and stratospheric water vapor.
Dr. William (Bill) Randel is a Senior Scientist in the Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling (ACOM) Laboratory at NCAR, and head of the Satellite and Remote Sensing Section in ACOM. Dr. Randel was Director of the Atmospheric Chemistry Division during 2007-2015. His research focuses on analysis of observational data related to the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere, constituent transport and long-term changes within the atmosphere, utilizing global satellite measurements and model simulations. He has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed journal articles, and has given more than 50 professional invited and keynote talks. He has been a contributing and lead author for the UNEP/WMO
Scientific Assessments of Ozone Depletion and IPCC Climate Assessment Reports, and has served on numerous committees and panels related to atmospheric composition and climate.