zum Thema: The Program for Hail Suppression in the Province of Mendoza (Argentina) since the 1950s until today
Zeit: Montag, 21 September 2015, 12:00 Uhr (s.t.)
Ort: SR des Wegener Center im 1. Stock, Brandhofgasse 5
Moderation: Ass. Prof. Andrea Steiner
Herzlich willkommen!
The province of Mendoza, at the eastern side of the mid latitude Andes mountains, has been plagued by severe thunderstorms resulting in severe hail damage for many years. This has led the government of Mendoza to conduct hail suppression operations over the three principal agricultural oases at this province. We present an overview of the different stages of evolution undergone by this program during the last decades, since the time of ground manual silver iodide generators until the present operations based on an S-Band Radar network, a cloud seeding system (from automatic ground generators and aircrafts), a hail pad network and a numerical model for severe storms forecasting. Some statistical results corresponding to several relevant parameters, as well as the crop damage mitigation as a result of the evolution of this program will be presented.