Climate Change and Health Day

European Public Health Week

09:00 - 10:00
to be announced

Climate change threatens the basic elements of life such as access to clean air, food and shelter – and with that human health. Climate change is according to the WHO the greatest threat to human healt in the 21st century. But it could also be the greatest global health opportunity.

On 18 May – Climate Change and Health Day –, as part of the European Public Health Week we are kicking off the day with online event discussion and public screening of ENBEL's videos. The event will be also live projected on youtube channel of EUPHA.  

>> Register

This interactive event includes presentations by HEAL, ENBEL and the EUPHA sections on Environmental and health and Urban public health. Speakers will be: Marija Jevtic (EUPHA Environmental health & Climate Pact Ambassador), Stefano Capolongo and Andrea Rebecchi (EUPHA Urban public health) and Anne Stauffer (HEAL). We will also give an overview of the other events that will happen on this day.

>> Overview of the whole day’s events on climate and health

HEAL and ENBEL will after the live event share widely on social media all the ENBEL videos, so stay tuned for our Twitter channels  HEAL and ENBEL on and help us spread the word!