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Projektname: SPIRIT - Supporting climate service Providers by dIstilling
infoRmation about future precipitation exTremes
ProjektleiterIn: Douglas Maraun (Uni Graz)
Projektteam: Nicole Ritzhaupt, Thomas Kroissenbrunner (Uni Graz)
Partner: Geosphere Austria


ACRP 11th Call
Dauer: Okt. 2019 - Dez. 2023

Abstract/Synopsis: Climate projections of heavy precipitation are highly uncertain. SPIRIT aims to distil credible information from observations, first principles and a range of models, including convection permitting simulations. Objectives are to inregrate climate services; attribute uncertainties; construct an ensemble considering different information sources; distil information on future extreme precipitation; co-explore the results with climate services; develop framework for climate information distillation.




Assoz. Prof. Dr.

Douglas Maraun

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8448

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