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Projektname: CHIANTI - Combining High resolutIon GCMS And coNvection permiTting downscalIng - a new approach to improve the representation of severe future weather
ProjektleiterIn: Douglas Maraun (Uni Graz)


Nicole Ritzhaupt, Aditya Mishra (Uni Graz)


TU Graz


ACRP 12th Call

Dauer: Sep. 2020 – Feb. 2024


Abstract: To model changes in extreme summer rain showers, high resolution global climate models are required to represent the associated circulation, and convection permitting regional climate models to represent convective process. As no combination of the two approaches exists, CHIANTI will develop a statistical emulator that combines the GCM and RCM simulations. The approach will be applied to generate a new ensemble of regional climate projections for Central Europe. The results will serve to study future urban flood risk in Graz.

Assoz. Prof. Dr.

Douglas Maraun

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8448

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