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Peer-reviewed Publications, Book Chapters, Books

Seebauer, S., Fleiß, J., Schweighart, M. (2016), A household is not a person. Consistency of pro-environmental behavior in adult couples and the accuracy of proxy-reports. Environment and Behavior, 1-35. doi:10.1177/0013916516663796.

Steininger, K.W., Bednar-Friedl, B., Formayer, H., König, M. (2016), Consistent economic cross-sectoral climate change impact scenario analysis: Method and application to Austria, Climate Services 1, 39–52, doi: 10.1016/j.cliser.2016.02.003

Bachner, G., Seebauer, S., Pfurtscheller, C., Brucker, A. (2016), Assessing the benefits of organized voluntary emergency services – concepts and evidence from flood protection in Austria. Disaster Prevention and Management, 25(3), 298-313. doi: 10.1108/DPM-09-2015-0203.

Seebauer, S., Wolf, A. (2016), Disentangling household and individual actors in explaining private electricity consumption. Energy Efficiency. doi: 10.1007/s12053-016-9435-x. 

Babcicky, P., Seebauer, S. (2016), The two faces of social capital in private flood mitigation: Opposing effects on risk perception, self efficacy and coping capacity. Journal of Risk Research. doi: 10.1080/13669877.2016.1147489.

Hatzl, S., Seebauer, S., Fleiß, E., Posch, A. (2016), Market-based vs. grassroots citizen participation initiatives in photovoltaics: A qualitative compareson of niche development. Futures, 78, 57-70. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2016.03.022.

Mechler, R., Schinko, T.  (2016). Identifying the policy space for climate loss and damage. Science 354(6310), 290-292. doi: 10.1126/science.aag2514.

Schinko, T., Komendantova, N.  (2016). De-risking Investment into Concentrated Solar Power in North Africa: Impacts on the Costs of Electricity Generation Renewable Energy. Renewable Energy 92:262-292. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.02.009.

Schinko, T., R. Mechler, Hochrainer-Stigler, S.  (2016). Developing a methodological framework for operationalizing Iterative Climate Risk Management based on insights from the case of Austria. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. doi:10.1007/s11027-016-9713-0.

Bednar-Friedl, B., Behrens, D.A., Grass, D., Koland, O., Leopold-Wildburger, U. (2016). Handling the complexity of predator-prey systems: Managerial decision making in urban economic development and sustainable harvesting. In: Dawid, H., Doerner, K.F., Feichtinger, G., Kort, P.M., Seidl, A. (eds.) Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making. Essays in Honor of Richard F. Hartl, Springer, Berlin, 127-148.

Selected Further Publications and Reports of the Center

Seebauer, S., Babcicky, P. (2016): Absiedlung von hochwassergefährdeten Haushalten im Eferdinger Becken: Begleitforschung zu sozialen Folgewirkungen. Endbericht von StartClim2015.B in StartClim2015: Weitere Beiträge zur Umsetzung der österreichischen Anpassungsstrategie, Auftraggeber: BMLFUW, BMWF, ÖBf, Land Oberösterreich.

Rohland, S., Pfurtscheller, C., Seebauer, S. (2016): Re-inventing prevention? - An evaluation of tools for strengthening private preparedness for floods and heavy rains. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18, EGU2016-1303-2

Kulmer, V., Fruhmann, C., Jamek, A., Hierzinger, R., Seebauer, S., Türk, A. (2016): Transition to low carbon households: Catching rebound effects, market imperfections and policy interactions. Proceedings 17th Austrian Climate Day, pp. 22-23.

Lexer, W., Babcicky, P., König, M., Loibl, W., Mitter, H., Schaffler, V., Seebauer, S., Schmid, E., Stickler, T., Tötzer, T. (2016): Private adaptation in Austria: potentials, limits, maladaptation risks, and implications for policy and governance. Proceedings 17th Austrian Climate Day, pp. 104-105.

Brudermann, T., Fleiß, E., Hart, P., Hatzl, S., Kallsperger, T., Lang, G., Meißner, E., Reischl, C., Schnedl, G., Seebauer, S., Stöger, K., Posch, A., Würz-Stalder, A. (2016): URSOLAR – Optimierung der SOLARenergienutzung in URbanen Energiesystemen. Proceedings 17th Austrian Climate Day, pp. 154-155.

Babcicky, P., Seebauer, S. (2016): Adaptation of private households to climate change: Case study report within the project PATCH:ES – Private Adaptation to Climate Change [Fallstudienbericht zur Klimawandelanpassung von Privathaushalten], Environment Agency Austria, Vienna.

Müller, A., Edtmayer, H. (2016): Klimatisierungsbedarf unter steigenden Außentemperaturen, Proceedings e-nova 2016, pp. 104-105.

Edtmayer, H., Müller, A., Kraussler, A. (2016): Der Weg zu einem klimawandelangepassten Gebäudebestand: Von der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis zur praktischen Umsetzung, Proceedings e-nova 2016, pp. 104-105.

Steininger, K.W., Grossmann, W.D., Grossmann, I. (2016), The economic value of dispatchable solar electricity: A Post-Paris evaluation, Graz Economics Papers 2016-10, Department of Economics, University of Graz. 

Hanger, S., van Vliet, O., Bachner, G., Kontchristopoulos, Y., Lieu, J., Alvarez Tinoco, R., Carlsen, H., Suljada, T. (2016),  Review of key uncertainties and risks for climate policy. TRANSrisk Deliverable 5.1

Schinko, T., Bachner, G., Schleicher, S., Steininger, K. (2016), Assessing current modelling practices ClimTrans2050 Working Paper No.1.

Köppl, A., Kettner-Marx, C., Schleicher, S., Hofer, C., Köberl, K., Schneider, J., Schindler, I., Krutzler, T., Gallauner, T., Bachner, G., Schinko, T., Steininger, K., Jonas, M., Zebrowski, P. (2016), Modelling Low Energy and Low Carbon Transformations. The ClimTrans2050 Research Plan.


Univ. -Prof. Dr.

Karl W. Steininger

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8441
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9830

Assoz. Prof. Dr.

Birgit Bednar-Friedl

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 7107

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